Tag: #author

Tag: #author

Award Nominated: Becoming Soul – 7 Steps to Heaven

Exciting News for all my readers and new readers to come! Becoming Soul has been nominated for the IAN Book of the Year Award – Christian Fiction I offer my Deepest Gratitude and Love to you all for your continuing support and love. El Alma.

BookLife Review for Becoming Soul 7 Steps to Heaven

Greetings! I am excited to invite you to read the  BookLife Review of Becoming Soul 7 Steps to Heaven – just released 16 August 2021: Reviews “We are souls,” El Alma declares in the introduction to this succinct, searching guide to what she sometimes calls the “seven steps to heaven,” the steps that, in her

Interview on The Donna Seebo Show – Becoming Soul

Recently I was interviewed by the wonderful Donna Seebo on The Donna Seebo Show. Thank you for the great opportunity of being your guest on your show Donna! Donna is an international Mental Practitioner, Counselor, Speaker, Teacher, Award-Winning Author, Minister and Radio/TV Personality, Talk-Show Host – ‘The Donna Seebo Show’ and ‘Warriors for Peace’. You

Niki Seberini Interview Johannesburg Becoming Soul

Recently I had an interview with Niki Seberini from Chai FM DL Link in Johannesburg South Africa. Thank you so much Niki. You are welcome to listen to our conversation on the link. https://www.chaifm.com/podcast/2021-02-11-dl-link-with-nikki-seberin-awakening-of-spirit/   2021.02.11 -DL LINK WITH NIKKI SEBERIN – AWAKENING OF SPIRIT.

Blue Ink Review – Becoming Soul-7 Steps to Heaven

I invite you to read the Blue Ink Review of Becoming Soul – Seven Steps to Heaven below: “Blue Ink Review” Becoming Soul: Seven Steps to Heaven El Alma Balboa Press, 128 pages, (paperback) $15.95, 978-1-5043-2086-3 (Reviewed: January 2021) “In this fictional narrative, protagonist Asina illustrates the seven stages a soul goes through in its

Greeley Tribune – Becoming Soul-7 Steps to Heaven

Recently I was interviewed by Tamara Markard from The Greeley Tribune on Becoming Soul – 7 Steps to Heaven. If you would like to read the interview just click the link below: https://www.greeleytribune.com/2021/03/14/becoming-soul-by-australian-author-el-alma-helps-readers-find-their-purpose/ “Becoming Soul” by Australian author El Alma helps readers find their purpose

Female First -Entertainment Site-UK-Becoming Soul

 Becoming Soul – Female First Last week I was excited to be asked to write a piece on my book Becoming Soul – Seven Steps to Heaven for Female First an Entertainment site in the UK. My first thought was: During Easter time each year, when we are remembering the death and resurrection of Jesus, questions like these